Worship Center

Come Worship with Us on Sunday Mornings. 

Anointed Worship

The Spirit is moving. Hearts are changed, and God’s presence is powerful.  Rev. John Watts preaches with compassion and the Holy Spirit’s power. He is supernaturally empowered and believes that God is doing something good. Everyone is welcome.  

Rev. John Watts inspires, loves and motivates us to seek, obey, and serve God.

Time:  Sundays – 10 am (English)

Location: 1821 Middleton Street Cayce, SC 29033 (Behind the Food Pantry) MAP

Children’s Church celebrates God’s love in hands-on learning activities. Youth Director Shar Turlington challenges each child with age-appropriate lessons to motivate and instill a genuine love for God’s Word. Focused on celebrating Jesus, she loves each one and sponsors activities outside the classroom throughout the year. Every Sunday following Praise and Worship.

Hispanic Service: Sunday at 3 pm  

Pastors Bernabe and Edith Monrroy: Hispanic Pastors

Pastors Bernabe and Edith

Children’s Church 3pm Hispanic Service– Led by Maria Castaneda

The Ladies Bible Study group seeks to uncover the biblical treasures awaiting discovery. We pray, we read, and we celebrate the sisterhood in Christ. Then, we put our love into action throughout the week. God’s Word is alive, and we feed at God’s table each week.  Pastor Laura Watts teaches the Bible with dynamic discussions that invite and create a desire to seek a deeper relationship with the Lord.

 Ladies, we invite you to join us.  Tuesdays at 10 am in the Fellowship Hall. 1819 Middleton Street, Cayce SC 29033   Map link.

Local Outreach and special events

We take the Gospel outside the church doors. Special events and outreach activities during the year extend God’s hands to others.

We partner with other organizations in the spring, summer, fall, and winter to reach more with God’s love. Easter, Summer Fun Days, Picnics, School Supply Drive, Cookouts, Thanksgiving, and Christmas offer opportunities for outreach and celebrations.